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meet the directors video gallery photo gallery N E W S C O N T A C T about oui Taman Bona Indah , Jalan Bona Indah 1 Blok A9 No. 19 Cilandak , Jakarta Selatan 12440 | +62 811 905 1511 © 2019 Oui in love All Rights Reserved

Video Mobile ABOUT mobile ABOUT YOU , ABOUT US You dress the way you want. You go after the things you like. You do everything your way and you love it. You are not a follower. You only follow your own rules. You crave something real. You value connection and chemistry above everything. You don’t really care about trends. You love something timeless that gets better with time. Your stories play out differently than others. You are your own kind of CLASSIC. We get it. We’re just like you! We‘d love to capture your story in a way that fits your world. Jimmy Indra JIMMY Jimmy Indra is a director, a loving husband and father of two sons who really love to ride his custom motorcycle and sometimes drop some music through his Pioneer DJ. Fourteen years living in wedding videography scheme and survive, who could ask for better director? @jimmyindra Anthony ANTHONY Anthony is a young director who is very passionate about filming a uniqueness of every couple he had met. Three years surviving this industry and quickly made it to the top - as a director. Very interesting, right? ANTHONY @anthonysetiawan12 Contact Mobile [contact-form-7 id="4096" title="Contact form 1"] GET IN TOUCH WITH US Projects Mobile News Mobile [pt_view id="abe10aci2o"] about oui meet the directors video gallery photo gallery C O N T A C T N E W S Taman Bona Indah , Jalan Bona Indah 1 Blok A9 No. 19. Cilandak , Jakarta Selatan 12440 | +62 811 905 1511 © 2019 Oui in love All Rights Reserved